No chapter, sorry.

I tried, I really did.  I was hoping I’d be able to pound out an Extra chapter at the very least, but I was unable to do it.  I had two days off last week, but one day was not like a vacation day at all.  That was the day I took the PTCB Exam.

I passed!  So, now I’m a CPhT.  I officially have a career!

So, the fatigue of days working and nights studying hit me all at once, and I still had work and on the job training modules to do for the week.  I’m still recovering and I’m lazing around right now like my batteries are dead.  I’m expecting to have something for you by the next weekend, even if it is not exactly related to Stop Calling Me A Demon King.

On a semi-related note, I’ve finally fleshed out another character I’ll be introducing in the future.  But I have yet to decide the gender.  That will be up to the readers.  Expect the release of a poll in the future, and make your voices heard!  It IS an election year after all.

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